18 Negara Yang Bebas Dari Corona Mayoritas Adalah Negara Islam
Selasa, 14 April 2020
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Corona Virus sudah menyebar hampir keseluruh penjuru dunia namun tahukah kalian ada beberapa negara yang mengklaim belum ada masyarakat nya yang terkena corona Virus. Diantaranya ada negara negara islam yang memiliki kredibilitas tinggi bahkan Korea Utara pun mengklaim belum ditemukan kasus Corona di Negaranya.
Saat ini sebagaimana dikutip dari World Live Corona sudah mencapai 1,431,689 Kasus diseluruh dunia. Total yang meninggal dunia sudah mencapai 82,074 per 8 April 2020 sejak artikel ini dibuat. Namun diantara semua itu ada beberapa negara yang mengklaim belum ditemukan kasus sama sekali bahkan hampir mayoritas negara islam yang belum terkena virus ini.
Salah satunya adalah Yaman , Turkmenistan , Tajikistan dan selengkapnya bisa kalian baca di artikel ini. Semoga dengan seluruh kejadian kita selalu waspada terhadap kesehatan kita agar tidak terjangkit virus corona ini.
Koronavirus merupakan virus beramplop dengan genom RNA utas tunggal plus dan nukleokapsid berbentuk heliks simetris. Jumlah genom koronavirus berkisar antara 27–34 kilo pasangan basa, terbesar di antara virus RNA yang diketahui. Nama koronavirus berasal dari bahasa Latin corona yang artinya mahkota, yang mengacu pada tampilan partikel virus (virion): mereka memiliki pinggiran yang mengingatkan pada mahkota atau korona matahari.
Saat ini sebagaimana dikutip dari World Live Corona sudah mencapai 1,431,689 Kasus diseluruh dunia. Total yang meninggal dunia sudah mencapai 82,074 per 8 April 2020 sejak artikel ini dibuat. Namun diantara semua itu ada beberapa negara yang mengklaim belum ditemukan kasus sama sekali bahkan hampir mayoritas negara islam yang belum terkena virus ini.
Salah satunya adalah Yaman , Turkmenistan , Tajikistan dan selengkapnya bisa kalian baca di artikel ini. Semoga dengan seluruh kejadian kita selalu waspada terhadap kesehatan kita agar tidak terjangkit virus corona ini.
Apa itu Corona Virus
Koronavirus atau coronavirus (istilah populernya: virus korona, virus corona, atau virus Corona) sebagai mana yang di kutip dari wikipedia adalah sekumpulan virus dari subfamili Orthocoronavirinae dalam keluarga Coronaviridae dan ordo Nidovirales. Kelompok virus ini yang dapat menyebabkan penyakit pada burung dan mamalia (termasuk manusia). Pada manusia, koronavirus menyebabkan infeksi saluran pernapasan yang umumnya ringan, seperti pilek, meskipun beberapa bentuk penyakit seperti SARS, MERS, dan COVID-19 sifatnya lebih mematikan. Manifestasi klinis yang muncul cukup beragam pada spesies lain: pada ayam, koronavirus menyebabkan penyakit saluran pernapasan atas, sedangkan pada sapi dan babi menyebabkan diare. Belum ada vaksin atau obat antivirus untuk mencegah atau mengobati infeksi koronavirus pada manusia.Koronavirus merupakan virus beramplop dengan genom RNA utas tunggal plus dan nukleokapsid berbentuk heliks simetris. Jumlah genom koronavirus berkisar antara 27–34 kilo pasangan basa, terbesar di antara virus RNA yang diketahui. Nama koronavirus berasal dari bahasa Latin corona yang artinya mahkota, yang mengacu pada tampilan partikel virus (virion): mereka memiliki pinggiran yang mengingatkan pada mahkota atau korona matahari.
Koronavirus ditemukan pada 1960-an. Virus yang paling awal ditemukan adalah virus bronkitis infeksius pada ayam dan dua virus dari rongga hidung manusia dengan flu biasa yang kemudian diberi nama human coronavirus 229E dan human coronavirus OC43. Sejak saat itu, anggota koronavirus yang lain mulai diidentifikasi, termasuk SARS-CoV pada 2003, HCoV NL63 pada 2004, HKU1 pada 2005, MERS-CoV (sebelumnya dikenal sebagai 2012-nCoV) pada 2012, dan SARS-CoV-2 (sebelumnya dikenal sebagai 2019-nCoV) pada 2019; sebagian besar dari virus-virus ini terkait dengan infeksi saluran pernapasan yang serius.Negara Negaa Yang Tidak Terkena Corona Virus
1. Komoro
Komoro terletak di penghujung utara Selat Mozambik, di antara Madagaskar and Mozambik. Secara resmi negara Komoro terdiri daripada empat pulau di kepulauan gunung berapi Komoro, yaitu: Mayotte, Komoro Besar, Anjouan dan Moheli, dan juga banyak pulau kecil. Ibu kotanya ialah Moroni yang terletak di pulau Komoro Besar. Keseluruhan kepulauan Komoro merupakan jajahan Prancis hingga tahun 1975 ketika referendum untuk kemerdekaan yang diselenggarakan oleh Prancis pada tahun 1974 diumumkan. Hasil dari referendum menunjukkan bahwa tiga dari empat pulau utama Komoro: Komoro Besar, Anjouan, dan Moheli memilih untuk memerdekakan diri dan membentuk Perserikatan Komoro.
2. Kiribati
Republik Kiribati (bahasa Inggris: Republic of Kiribati), diucapkan /kiribas/, adalah sebuah negara kepulauan yang terletak di Samudra Pasifik. Ketigapuluh tiga atol negara ini tersebar sepanjang 3.500.000 km² di dekat khatulistiwa. Namanya adalah transliterasi "Gilberts", nama bahasa Inggris untuk kelompok kepulauan terbesar, Kepulauan Gilbert dalam bahasa Kiribati.
Kiribati merdeka dari Britania Raya pada tahun 1979. Ibukotanya adalah Tarawa Selatan, yang sekarang merupakan daerah berpenduduk terpadat, terdiri dari sejumlah pulau-pulau kecil, dihubungkan oleh serangkaian jalan lintas yang meliputi sekitar setengah area atol Tarawa.
Kiribati adalah anggota Komunitas Pasifik Selatan (SPC), Negara-Negara Persemakmuran, IMF, dan Bank Dunia, dan menjadi anggota penuh Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa pada tahun 1999.
3. Lesotho
Lesotho, secara resmi Kerajaan Lesotho, adalah sebuah negara enklave yang terkurung di Afrika bagian selatan yang sepenuhnya dikelilingi oleh Afrika Selatan. Ukurannya lebih dari 30.000 km2 dan memiliki populasi sedikit di atas dua juta. Ibu kota dan kota terbesarnya adalah Maseru.
Sebelumnya dikenal sebagai Basutoland, Lesotho mendeklarasikan kemerdekaannya dari Britania Raya pada tanggal 4 Oktober 1966. Negara ini termasuk dalam anggota Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa, Persemakmuran Bangsa-Bangsa dan Komunitas Pembangunan Afrika Selatan (SADC). Nama Lesotho secara kasar berarti tanah orang-orang yang berbicara bahasa Sesotho. Sekitar 40% penduduknya hidup di bawah garis kemiskinan internasional sebesar $AS 1,25 per hari.
4. Kepulauan Marshall
Kepulauan Marshall adalah sebuah negara maritim yang sebagian besar wilayahnya berupa perairan. Kepulauan ini terletak di antara Hawaii dan Australia, Kepulauan Marshall terletak di sebelah utara Nauru dan Kiribati, sebelah timur Negara Federasi Mikronesia, dan sebelah selatan Pulau Wake. Kumpulan atol dan pulau membentuk dua kelompok: Ratak atau matahari terbit (timur) dan Ralik atau matahari terbenam (barat). Dua gugusan pulau tersebut terbentang dan bersambungan satu sama lain serta terbentang dari barat laut ke tenggara, yang memiliki luas perairan 750.000 mil persegi (1.900.000 km2) dan dengan luas daratan hanya 70 mil persegi (180 km2). Kep. Marshall terdiri dari 29 atol dan 5 pulau terpencil. ⅔ populasinya tinggal di Atol Majuro (juga nama ibu kota) dan Ebeye. Siklon tropis kadang-kadang melanda kepulauan ini.
5. Mikronesia
Kepulauan Mikronesia beriklim tropis lembap (iklim laut). Jumlah total pulaunya sekitar 2.100 pulau. Luas wilayah darat total (tidak termasuk luas perairan) sekitar 2.700 km2. Luas keseluruhan wilayahnya termasuk luas perairan teritorial adalah 7.400.000 km2. Pulau-pulau utama di gugus kepulauan ini adalah Kepulauan Caroline, Kepulauan Mariana, Guam, Palau, dan Kepulauan Marshall. Kegiatan perekonomian utamanya ditunjang oleh sektor kelautan, perikanan, dan pariwisata.Lanjutkan Membaca Disini
Contrary to what every Forex 'expert' out there would have you believe, it's not easy to learn how to trade Forex at all. Trading Forex is one of the most challenging skills you can ever set out to learn, which is especially daunting if you're a beginner just starting out to learn how to trade Forex. If you're finding it hard to learn how to trade Forex successfully right now, you're probably wondering: "Can a beginner make money in Forex trading?" By the end of this article, you'll know what you can do to make money in Forex trading right now.
Can A Beginner Make Money In Forex Trading?
If you have a look around the many Forex websites, forums, seminars and magazines, it seems like everyone's making millions of dollars trading Forex! The thing is, Forex traders love to talk about their winning trades and make themselves out to be wildly profitable traders, but the reality is that only 5% of Forex traders are consistently making money. Yes, even a beginner can make money in Forex trading, but there's a big difference between making money in Forex and making a full time income, achieving financial freedom, and building wealth through Forex.
What Stops Beginners From Making An Income
So what's stopping beginners from making a consistent, long term income from trading Forex? Well, unlike the professional Forex traders working for the big banks and hedge funds, most beginner traders learning to trade Forex aren't paid a full time salary to immerse themselves in the markets. If you're just starting out in Forex, then you've probably got a full time job that you spend at least 8 hours a day on, and a family and social life outside of that. That means that you have a very real shortage of time to get yourself to the level where you can trade like a pro, and believe me, it takes a lot of time and consistent effort.

It takes years of study, practice and real experience in the markets to learn how to trade Forex successfully, and get to the level where you can consistently make money in Forex trading. Not to mention that you'll be taking on, for all intents and purposes, an unpaid part time job that will chain you to your computer while you are trading. It's something that will alienate you from your social circle, and put considerable strain on your family relationships as well. It's no wonder that most traders wanting to learn how to trade Forex will give up within 3 months, and never make money in Forex trading.
What You Can Do To Make Money In Forex Trading Now
So what can you do to make money in Forex trading right now? The best shortcut I know is to buy a proven Forex trading system to do your trading for you. I'm not going to look you in the eye and tell you that you can just go out there and pick any system and make millions, because that's simply not true. Profitable trading systems are rare, and you need to choose very carefully. That said, if you can find a trading system that works, you can overcome the biggest challenges any trader faces while they learn how to trade Forex. You'll be able to gain valuable Forex market experience, preserve your personal relationships and most importantly make money in Forex trading while you learn how to trade Forex.
When you've built up the capital and income of your Forex systems operation, and have gathered up valuable trading experience, you may decide to try out trading Forex for yourself. Regardless of whether you trade with an automatic Forex system in the short, medium or long term, it's a powerful solution that will enable you to make money in Forex trading even if you're a beginner.
Thad B. is a Professional Trading Systems Developer who has developed and managed dozens of profitable trading systems over the years for a private hedge fund. Forex trading systems are his passion and expertise, and he has a wealth of helpful resources available for any serious Forex systems trader.
As a professional in the Forex industry, I'm often asked by my friends and family about the best way to trade Forex. Well, the first thing I tell them is "Don't", because Forex trading requires a serious commitment that most people can't follow through with most of the time. Of course, there are always the persistent ones who don't give up that easily, because they are serious in their desire to learn how to trade Forex.
If you're not going to give up on your desire to learn how to trade Forex successfully, then I want to let you in on a couple of little secrets that Forex educators and 'experts' will seldom talk about. By the end of this article, you'll be clued in on the best way to trade Forex that most people don't even know about.
Challenges Every New Trader Faces
Every new trader has one massive obstacle when they begin to learn how to trade Forex: themselves. Who you are as a person and everything that you've learned from your life experiences up to this point is not an asset in the world of Forex trading, in fact, it is a massive liability. If you try to bring your normal, everyday decision making processes into the world of Forex trading, you will experience a lot of frustrating losses.
Let me give you an example to illustrate how hard it is to learn how to trade Forex. Traditionally in life, and I know that this is an oversimplification but do bear with me here, we grow up learning through positive and negative reinforcement. In the case of positive reinforcement, it means that when we do something, and the result makes us feel good, then we'll keep doing that something. In the case of negative reinforcement, it means that if we do something, and the result makes us feel bad, then we'll stop doing that something.
Pavlov's Bell In Forex Trading
That's all well and good to keep you from burning your hand on a hot stove, but if you allow positive and negative reinforcements to dictate your trading, then you're in for a real baptism of fire in the markets. That's not the best way to trade Forex... it's the worst! That's because the Forex markets have a certain element of randomness to them. That means that one day, you might decide to take a long trade based on your analysis of certain indicators or patterns, and if it is profitable that day, you'll associate that pattern based on the good feelings you have for winning.
Now comes the part that gets traders stuck for years in a cycle of failure and despair. Tomorrow, when you see the same pattern or come to the same conclusion for a long trade from your analysis, then you'll take the trade again. Only this time, the price falls and you get out of the trade at a loss. Now you're feeling bad about your trade, and all these negative feelings get associated with the previously successful pattern or analysis. Now imagine this dynamic in play for hundreds of trades and dozens of combinations of patterns etc., and you have a real recipe for confusion and frustration.
The Best Way To Trade Forex
Many people don't even realize that they're being affected by the reinforcements that the Forex markets dish out, which is why they run around for years from Forex expert to Forex expert, trying to find the best way to trade Forex so that they don't have to lose, because in their minds losing is bad. Well, the best way to trade Forex isn't actually to avoid losses at all! The best way to trade Forex is to find a pattern or trade opportunity that is profitable in the long run.
The best way to trade Forex is to overcome the natural tendency of your mind to think in absolutes, and start thinking in probabilities. That means that instead of considering just one trade or a handful of trades, you analyze the same trade opportunity over a hundred or even hundreds of trades. If by trading this 'long run' of trades you end up with a substantial profit, then you keep trading it. If not, then you forget it and apply this same analysis and line of thinking to other trade opportunities.
Don't Learn How To Trade Forex From Scratch!
Obviously, this entire process gets very tedious if you're always doing it manually, because there are thousands of combinations of indicators, patterns and market conditions to test! That's where you can save yourself a whole lot of time and money by piggybacking on someone else's efforts in finding these profitable opportunities, and even have a pre-programmed system in place that can trade these opportunities for you. As a trader wanting to learn how to trade Forex, you'll get where you want to be a lot faster if you get yourself a simple Forex trading system rather than to develop and trade one yourself.
That said, without overcoming the challenges of positive and negative reinforcement in Forex trading, you're no better off with a system than trading on your own. The system is not the key, but your understanding of the best way to trade Forex is. So, switch your thinking from absolutes to probabilities, and once you're ready, save yourself a whole lot of time and effort by investing in a simple Forex trading system.
Thad B. is a Professional Trading Systems Developer who has developed and managed dozens of profitable trading systems over the years for a private hedge fund. Forex trading systems are his passion and expertise, and he has a wealth of helpful resources available for any serious Forex systems trader.
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