Forex Training - Learn How to Trade Forex Within a Week For Very Little Cost
Selasa, 14 April 2020
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6. Nauru
Nauru (bahasa Nauru: Naoero, /nɑːˈuːruː/ nah-oo-roo atau /ˈnaʊruː/ nowr-oo[6][7]), secara resmi Republik Nauru (Nauruan: Repubrikin Naoero) dan sebelumnya dikenal sebagai Pulau Pleasant, adalah sebuah negara kepulauan di Mikronesia di Pasifik Tengah. Tetangga terdekatnya adalah Pulau Banaba di Kiribati, 300 kilometer (186 mil) ke timur. Selanjutnya terletak di barat laut Tuvalu, sebelah utara Kepulauan Solomon, timur laut timur laut Papua New Guinea, sebelah tenggara Negara Federasi Mikronesia dan selatan Kepulauan Marshall. Dengan 10.084 penduduk di daerah seluas 21 kilometer persegi (8.1 sq mi), Nauru adalah negara terkecil di Pasifik Selatan dan negara bagian ketiga terkecil menurut wilayah di dunia, hanya di belakang Vatican City dan Monaco.Ditetap oleh orang-orang dari Mikronesia dan Polinesia c 1000 SM, Nauru dianeksasi dan diklaim sebagai koloni oleh Kekaisaran Jerman pada akhir abad ke-19. Setelah Perang Dunia I, Nauru menjadi mandat Liga Bangsa-Bangsa yang dikelola oleh Australia, Selandia Baru dan Inggris. Selama Perang Dunia II, Nauru diduduki oleh tentara Kekaisaran Jepang, yang kemudian diserobot oleh pasukan Sekutu di seluruh Pasifik. Setelah perang usai, negara tersebut masuk ke dalam perwalian PBB. Nauru memperoleh kemerdekaannya pada tahun 1968.
7. Korea Utara
Republik Rakyat Demokratik Korea (RRDK), Korea Utara atau Korut saja (Hangul: 조선민주주의인민공화국, Hanja: 朝鮮民主主義人民共和國, Chosŏn Minjujuŭi Inmin Konghwaguk, bahasa Inggris: Democratic People's Republic of (North) Korea (DPRK)) adalah sebuah negara di Asia Timur, yang meliputi sebagian utara Semenanjung Korea. Ibu kota dan kota terbesarnya adalah Pyongyang. Zona Demiliterisasi Korea menjadi batas antara Korea Utara dan Korea Selatan. Sungai Amnok dan Sungai Tumen membentuk perbatasan antara Korea Utara dan Republik Rakyat Tiongkok. Sebagian dari Sungai Tumen di timur laut merupakan perbatasan dengan Rusia. Penduduk setempat menyebut negara ini Pukchosŏn (북조선, "Chosŏn Utara").8. Palau
Republik Palau (juga dieja sebagai Belau) adalah sebuah negara kepulauan di Samudra Pasifik, 200 km sebelah utara wilayah provinsi Papua Barat, 255 km sebelah timur wilayah provinsi Maluku Utara, 500 km sebelah timur wilayah provinsi Sulawesi Utara dan 500 km sebelah timur negara Filipina. Negara ini merdeka pada tahun 1994 dari Wilayah Perwalian Kepulauan Pasifik yang diperintah Amerika Serikat. Palau terdiri dari 8 pulau utama dan sedikitnya 250 pulau kecil.
9. Samoa
Samoa (dahulu bernama Samoa Jerman dari 1900-1914, Samoa Barat hingga 1997) adalah sebuah negara kepulauan di Samudra Pasifik bagian selatan yang terdiri dari 2 pulau utama dan 7 pulau kecil. Letaknya sekitar setengah jarak perjalanan dari Selandia Baru ke Hawaii. Samoa termasuk ke dalam negara yang mempunyai wilayah terkecil di dunia. Negara Samoa berbatasan dengan Fiji, Tonga, dan Vanuatu di sebelah barat daya, Kepulauan Cook sebelah selatan, dan Kepulauan Tokelau di sebelah utara, serta Tuvalu di sebelah barat laut. Secara resmi dikenal sebagai Negara Independen Samoa.
10. Sao Tome and Principe
Republik Demokratik São Tomé dan Príncipe adalah sebuah negara kepulauan yang terletak 300 km dekat garis khatulistiwa, dan 250 km dekat Samudra Atlantik, dan terletak di sebelah utara-barat lepas pantai Gabon. Negeri ini merupakan salah satu negara terkecil di Afrika. Sao Tome, dan Principe terdiri dari beberapa pulau kecil bergunung api, dua nama pulau terbesarnya São Tomé, dan Principe diangkat menjadi nama negara ini. Merupakan pulau-pulau yang subur, negara ini pernah menjadi produsen gula terbesar di dunia pada abad ke-20. Namun ternyata citra kopi lebih populer karena lebih banyak ditanam di lahan subur. Ini terjadi pada daerah koloni lain seperti Angola, Mozambik, Tanjung Verde, dll. Luasnya hanya 67% dari luas DKI Jakarta.
11. Kepulauan Solomon
Kepulauan Solomon atau Kepulauan Salomo adalah sebuah negara kepulauan di Samudra Pasifik bagian selatan yang terletak di sebelah timur Papua Nugini dan merupakan bagian dari Persemakmuran. Dia terdiri dari 992 pulau yang secara keseluruhan membentuk wilayah seluas 28.450 km².
12. Sudan Selatan
Sudan Selatan, secara resmi bernama Republik Sudan Selatan,[4] adalah sebuah negara di Afrika Timur. Ibu kota dan kota terbesarnya adalah Juba, terletak di negara bagian Khatulistiwa Tengah sebelah selatan. Negara terkurung daratan ini berbatasan dengan Ethiopia di sebelah timur; Kenya, Uganda, dan Republik Demokratik Kongo di sebelah selatan; Republik Afrika Tengah di sebelah barat; dan Sudan di sebelah utara. Sudan Selatan meliputi kawasan rawa yang luas, Sudd, yang dibentuk oleh Nil Putih, secara lokal disebut Bahrul Jabal.
Negara ini awalnya merupakan bagian dari Sudan Anglo-Mesir, kondominium Britania dan Mesir, dan kemudian menjadi bagian dari Republik Sudan ketika mencapai kemerdekaan pada 1956. Setelah Perang Saudara Sudan Pertama, Wilayah Otonomi Sudan bagian Selatan dibentuk pada 1972 dan berlangsung sampai dengan 1983. Kemudian terjadi Perang Saudara Sudan Kedua yang berakhir dengan Perjanjian Damai Komprehensif 2005. Selanjutnya pada tahun itu, otonomi selatan dikembalikan ketika Pemerintah Otonomi Sudan bagian Selatan dibentuk. Sudan Selatan menjadi sebuah negara merdeka pada 9 Juli 2011 tengah malam (00:00) waktu setempat setelah referendum yang diselenggarakan pada Januari 2011 menghasilkan sekitar 99% pemilih memilih untuk memisahkan diri dari Sudan.
13. Tajikistan
Republik Tajikistan adalah sebuah negara sempalan Uni Soviet di Asia Tengah yang berbatasan dengan Afganistan di selatan, Republik Rakyat Tiongkok di timur, Kirgizstan di utara dan Uzbekistan di barat. Kondisi geografisnya merupakan dataran tinggi yang tidak berbatasan dengan laut. Sebagian besar penduduk Tajikistan termasuk ke dalam etnis Tajik yang berbahasa Persia dan berbagi sejarah, bahasa, dan budaya dengan Afghanistan dan Iran. Setelah menjadi bagian dari Kekaisaran Samanid, Tajikistan menjadi republik konstituen dari Uni Soviet pada abad ke-20 dengan nama Republik Sosialis Soviet Tajikistan.
Setelah kemerdekaan, Tajikistan menderita perang saudara yang berlangsung mulai dari 1992 sampai 1997. Sejak akhir perang, stabilitas politik yang baru didirikan dan bantuan asing telah memungkinkan perekonomian negara berkembang. Perdagangan komoditas seperti kapas, aluminium dan uranium telah memberikan kontribusi besar untuk negara ini supaya terus membaik. Namun, pertempuran pecah kembali di akhir Juli 2012 dengan hasil yang kurang jelas.
14. Tonga
Tonga ([ˈtoŋa] ; bahasa Tonga: Pule'anga Fakatu'i'o Tonga), nama resminya Kerajaan Tonga, adalah negara tidak berdaulat Polinesia yang berbentuk negara kepulauan terdiri dari 177 pulau dengan luas keseluruhan pulau sekitar 750 kilometer persegi (290 mil persegi), yang tersebar lebih dari 700.000 kilometer persegi (270.000 mil persegi) di Samudra Pasifik bagian selatan. Dari 177 pulau, 52 pulau yang dihuni oleh 103.000 rakyatnya.[5]. Tujuh puluh persen penduduk di Tonga berada di pulau utama Tongatapu.
Wilayah Tonga membentang lebih dari 8000 kilometer (5000 mil) di garis utara-selatan, atau sekitar sepertiga jarak dari Selandia Baru ke bugil island. Pulau ini dikelilingi oleh Fiji, Wallis dan Futuna (Belanda) di barat laut, Samoa di timur laut, Niue di timur, Kermadec (bagian dari Selandia Baru) di barat daya, serta Kaledonia Baru (Prancis) juga Vanuatu di barat jauh.
15. Turkmenistan
Turkmenistan (bahasa Turkmenistan: Türkmenistan), juga dikenal sebagai Turkmenia (bahasa Rusia: Туркмения). Sampai tahun 1990, Turkmenistan masih tergabung dalam konstitusi Uni Soviet yang bernama Republik Sosialis Soviet Turkmenistan. Turkmenistan terletak di Asia Tengah dan berbatasan langsung dengan Iran di selatan, Afganistan di tenggara, Uzbekistan di utara, Kazakhstan di barat laut dan Laut Kaspia di barat. Sebagian besar wilayahnya merupakan hamparan gurun pasir Karakum. Negara ini memiliki cadangan gas alam terbesar kelima di dunia.
Saat ini, Turkmenistan menerapkan sistem politik partai tunggal. Sistem ini dianggap tidak memenuhi prinsip-prinsip dasar demokrasi.[4] Sejak kemerdekaanya dari Uni Soviet Turkmenistan dipimpin oleh Saparmurat Atayevich Niyazov bahkan dia menamakan dirinya sebagai Turkmenbashi (bahasa Turkmenistan: Türkmenbaşy yang berarti "Pemimpin semua bangsa Turkmen"). Pada 21 Desember 2006, dia meninggal dunia dan digantikan oleh Gurbanguly Mälikgulyýeviç Berdimuhammedow yang ditunjuk oleh Dewan Keamanan Negara Turkmenistan melalui pemilihan umum pada 11 Februari 2007.
16. Tuvalu
Tuvalu, dulunya dikenal sebagai Kepulauan Ellice, adalah sebuah negara kepulauan yang terletak di antara Hawaii dan Australia di Samudra Pasifik. Tetangga terdekat adalah Kiribati, Nauru, Samoa dan Fiji.
Tuvalu terdiri dari empat pulau karang dan lima atol besar. Populasi penduduk mencapai 10.472 membuatnya menjadi negara berdaulat ketiga terpadat di dunia, dengan Vatikan City dan memiliki penduduk lebih sedikit Nauru. Tuvalu mempunyai luas daratan hanya 26 kilometer persegi. Tuvalu adalah negara terkecil keempat di dunia, lebih besar dari Kota Vatikan denagn luas 0,44 km2, Monako dengan luas 1,95 km2 dan Nauru dengan luas 21 km2. Tanah di Tuvalu tidak cocok untuk pertanian dan badan air yang terkurung daratan. Laguna sangat umum ditemukan di tempat ini. Titik tertinggi di antara 114 pulau yang membentuk negara ini hanya setinggi 5 m di atas permukaan laut.
Negara ini memperoleh kemerdekaannya pada 01 Oktober 1978 dari Pemerintahan Britania Raya (Inggris). Bentuk Pemerintahan Negara Tuvalu adalah Monarki Kontitusional, Ibu kota Negara adalah Funafuti, Lagu Kebangsaan, Tuvalu Mo Te Atua, Bahasa resmi yang dipergunakan dinegara ini adalah, Bahasa Tuvalu dan Bahasa inggris, Mata Uang yang berlaku adalah Dollar Australia (AUD)
Tuvalu memiliki iklim tropis. Curah hujan sangat teratur dan pulau-pulau yang penuh air. Ada beberapa ikan dan tanaman laut yang ditemukan di lautan sekitarnya. Pohon kelapa dan pandan banyak ditemukan dalam badan air sekitarnya.
17. Vanuatu
epublik Vanuatu adalah sebuah negara kepulauan di Samudra Pasifik bagian selatan. Vanuatu terletak di sebelah timur Australia, timur laut Kaledonia Baru, barat Fiji dan selatan Kepulauan Solomon.
Vanuatu dihuni oleh bangsa Melanesia seperti orang Papua. Orang Eropa pertama yang mengunjungi pulau ini adalah Fernandes de Queiros dari Portugis beserta armadanya dari Spanyol yang sampai ke daerah ini pada tahun 1606. Spanyol dan Portugal masih bersatu di bawah pimpinan raja Spanyol sejak tahun 1580 (Kerajaan Portugis didirikan kembali tahun 1640), sehingga Queiros mengklaim kepulauan ini untuk Spanyol sebagai bagian dari Hindia Timur Spanyol, kemudian memberinya nama La Austrialia del Espíritu Santo.
Pada tahun 1880, kepulauan ini jatuh ke tangan Prancis dan Britania Raya. Pada tahun 1906, kedua negara ini setuju untuk membentuk pemerintahan bersama atau kondominium yang diberi nama Hebrides Baru. Gerakan kemerdekaan mulai muncul tahun 1970, dan akhirnya Republik Vanuatu berdiri tahun 1980. Vanuatu kemudian menjadi anggota Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa, Persemakmuran Britania, Francophonie, dan Forum Kepulauan Pasifik.
18. Yaman
Republik Yaman adalah sebuah negara di Jazirah Arab di Asia Barat Daya, bagian dari Timur Tengah. Yaman berbatasan dengan Laut Arab di sebelah selatan, Teluk Aden dan Laut Merah di sebelah barat, Oman di sebelah timur dan Arab Saudi di sebelah utara. Orang-orang keturunan Arab di Indonesia sebagian besarnya berasal dari negara ini.[butuh rujukan]
Penduduk Yaman diperkirakan berjumlah sekitar 23 juta jiwa. Luas negara ini sekitar 530.000 km2 dan wilayahnya meliputi lebih dari 200 pulau. Pulau terbesarnya, Sokotra, terletak sekitar 415 kilometer dari selatan Yaman, di lepas pantai Somalia. Yaman adalah satu-satunya negara republik di Jazirah Arab.
Becoming an expert in forex trading is easier and faster than you think. If you follow our ideas you can also learn forex trading virtually for free.
Getting a solid grounding in the basics first is vital if you're to avoid finding yourself out of your depth with your forex education, and is easy to achieve if you follow our simple guide to the who, what and where of forex training.
If you've never traded in stocks, shares, commodities or indeed forex, the mystical world of trading must at first seem very confusing indeed.
The internet is full of companies offering to help you learn forex trading, but if you don't know your bulls from your bears how do you know which forex course to begin with? Many forex courses are very expensive, and it doesn't help that so many are sold by high pressure sales people.

It's fair to say that we stumbled our way through the learning stage, and through luck rather than judgment happened to go to the right forex training places in more or less the right order.
Along the way we certainly bumped into many less fortunate who had inadvertently booked themselves onto an advanced forex trading course before they knew the basics, and looked completely lost within the first 10 minutes.
Here we'll try to help you avoid doing the same, and we'll tell you from our own experience how and where to quickly learn to trade forex without losing a fortune in the process.
Free forex training (virtually)
Let's begin by clarifying one key point - the principles needed to learn currency trading are the same no matter whether you are trading stocks and shares, commodities or forex.
If you have been on a technical analysis course that teaches you how to read candlestick charts, to understand the fundamentals of support and resistance, and a few indicators like MACD, RSI and moving averages etc - you should then be able to trade anything, as forex technical analysis is no different.
In our experience trading courses fall into the following broad categories;
Free tutorials given by brokers (either live or online)
Free "complimentary" trading seminars given by training companies
"Learn to trade" general basics courses (normally billed as stock trading courses)
Specialist courses e.g. options, futures, forex etc
Brokers - Most good brokers will provide some forex free trading tutorials for their clients. Not surprisingly these forex training seminars tend to focus on how to operate the broker's own software, but nonetheless provide a good forex trading guide and are worth seeing. However, do not expect to walk away from a broker's free forex training tutorial with expert knowledge in how to trade profitably.
Free events - Many of the training/education companies will introduce you to their services with a Free "complimentary" forex training seminar. We can honestly say that having attended several of these from various companies we've never yet met anyone who walked away from one of these sessions having learnt very much at all.
The sole purpose of these sessions is to introduce you to the company and to sell you one of their forex trading courses, rather than to teach you anything particularly useful. However, if you attend with your expectations set at this level you won't be disappointed.
Currency Trading Basics - To learn forex basics you will need to book onto one of these courses, and in a moment we will show you how you can have the course paid for by being clever about when you attend.
It is vital that you begin with a course that teaches forex trading basics, as there is nothing worse than finding yourself on the wrong course and out of your depth from the beginning.
Basic level courses tend to be billed as "learn to trade the stock market". Most people have never heard of forex, but everyone's heard of the stock market, hence the education companies focus their basic trading courses on stock trading. Remember, most of the principles are identical, and at the end of a stock trading course you will be just as able to trade forex as anything else and will also have learned the vital skill of trading money management.
Even for these basic level weekend courses the education companies will charge you a couple of thousand, and although they do usually offer to let you bring a partner or friend along for free, even still it's expensive
- but what if you could have it paid for?
Forex Signals services enable even the novice trader to trade profitably almost straight away. Our suggestion if you're on a tight budget (and we wish we'd done it this way around ourselves) is to proceed as follows;
Select a broker
Attend / view online the broker's free forex training tutorials so that you know how to place and manage trades
Subscribe to a full-service forex signals provider and 2 - 3 other signals services (around USD $100 per month each - but should quickly pay for themselves)
Purchase a few forex robots (one off cost of around $100 each - but should also pay for themselves quickly)
Test the signals and robots on your broker's demo account, to make sure they're profitable, or make adjustments until they are. Once you're happy, trade them on your live account and starting reaping in the profits.
Then use the profits you make from trading signals and robots to pay for your forex course - effectively giving you free forex training.
Thereafter either continue to trade the signals and robots, or develop your own educated trading style aided by the prompts from the signals and robots. Hence your forex training is paid for and you get the best of all worlds.
Subscribing to a full-service signal provider from the outset really is forex made easy and has the added advantage of giving you daily access to an expert trader's screen and a regular forex trading tutorial on what he's doing. Hence you will have already seen in practice many of the concepts which you will then learn in depth on your forex course, which will hopefully make learning forex much easier for you.
After you've been through your forex trading education, you will have new skills, but you must be aware that you will still lack experience. The worst thing to do with your new skills would be to ruin your own confidence in them by immediately trading a string of losing trades. Therefore we recommend that you subscribe to a full-service forex signals provider straight away if you have not already done so, so that right from the outset you are trading alongside your own personal forex consultant.
Think of it like when you learnt to ride a bike - you used training wheels first didn't you ? Only when you had your balance and had learned to fully control the bike did you ride off on your own. Your trading should be no different. Don't expect to be a profitable expert trader after just 3 days or even a week in a classroom learning forex trading.
It's important not to think of signals as extra cost - quite the opposite, they're a way of keeping loss-making trades to a minimum and optimising your profits.
Getting a solid grounding in the basics first is vital if you're to avoid finding yourself out of your depth with your forex education, and is easy to achieve if you follow our simple guide to the who, what and where of forex training.
If you've never traded in stocks, shares, commodities or indeed forex, the mystical world of trading must at first seem very confusing indeed.
The internet is full of companies offering to help you learn forex trading, but if you don't know your bulls from your bears how do you know which forex course to begin with? Many forex courses are very expensive, and it doesn't help that so many are sold by high pressure sales people.

It's fair to say that we stumbled our way through the learning stage, and through luck rather than judgment happened to go to the right forex training places in more or less the right order.
Along the way we certainly bumped into many less fortunate who had inadvertently booked themselves onto an advanced forex trading course before they knew the basics, and looked completely lost within the first 10 minutes.
Here we'll try to help you avoid doing the same, and we'll tell you from our own experience how and where to quickly learn to trade forex without losing a fortune in the process.
Free forex training (virtually)
Let's begin by clarifying one key point - the principles needed to learn currency trading are the same no matter whether you are trading stocks and shares, commodities or forex.
If you have been on a technical analysis course that teaches you how to read candlestick charts, to understand the fundamentals of support and resistance, and a few indicators like MACD, RSI and moving averages etc - you should then be able to trade anything, as forex technical analysis is no different.
In our experience trading courses fall into the following broad categories;
Free tutorials given by brokers (either live or online)
Free "complimentary" trading seminars given by training companies
"Learn to trade" general basics courses (normally billed as stock trading courses)
Specialist courses e.g. options, futures, forex etc
Brokers - Most good brokers will provide some forex free trading tutorials for their clients. Not surprisingly these forex training seminars tend to focus on how to operate the broker's own software, but nonetheless provide a good forex trading guide and are worth seeing. However, do not expect to walk away from a broker's free forex training tutorial with expert knowledge in how to trade profitably.
Free events - Many of the training/education companies will introduce you to their services with a Free "complimentary" forex training seminar. We can honestly say that having attended several of these from various companies we've never yet met anyone who walked away from one of these sessions having learnt very much at all.
The sole purpose of these sessions is to introduce you to the company and to sell you one of their forex trading courses, rather than to teach you anything particularly useful. However, if you attend with your expectations set at this level you won't be disappointed.
Currency Trading Basics - To learn forex basics you will need to book onto one of these courses, and in a moment we will show you how you can have the course paid for by being clever about when you attend.
It is vital that you begin with a course that teaches forex trading basics, as there is nothing worse than finding yourself on the wrong course and out of your depth from the beginning.
Basic level courses tend to be billed as "learn to trade the stock market". Most people have never heard of forex, but everyone's heard of the stock market, hence the education companies focus their basic trading courses on stock trading. Remember, most of the principles are identical, and at the end of a stock trading course you will be just as able to trade forex as anything else and will also have learned the vital skill of trading money management.
Even for these basic level weekend courses the education companies will charge you a couple of thousand, and although they do usually offer to let you bring a partner or friend along for free, even still it's expensive
- but what if you could have it paid for?
Forex Signals services enable even the novice trader to trade profitably almost straight away. Our suggestion if you're on a tight budget (and we wish we'd done it this way around ourselves) is to proceed as follows;
Select a broker
Attend / view online the broker's free forex training tutorials so that you know how to place and manage trades
Subscribe to a full-service forex signals provider and 2 - 3 other signals services (around USD $100 per month each - but should quickly pay for themselves)
Purchase a few forex robots (one off cost of around $100 each - but should also pay for themselves quickly)
Test the signals and robots on your broker's demo account, to make sure they're profitable, or make adjustments until they are. Once you're happy, trade them on your live account and starting reaping in the profits.
Then use the profits you make from trading signals and robots to pay for your forex course - effectively giving you free forex training.
Thereafter either continue to trade the signals and robots, or develop your own educated trading style aided by the prompts from the signals and robots. Hence your forex training is paid for and you get the best of all worlds.
Subscribing to a full-service signal provider from the outset really is forex made easy and has the added advantage of giving you daily access to an expert trader's screen and a regular forex trading tutorial on what he's doing. Hence you will have already seen in practice many of the concepts which you will then learn in depth on your forex course, which will hopefully make learning forex much easier for you.
After you've been through your forex trading education, you will have new skills, but you must be aware that you will still lack experience. The worst thing to do with your new skills would be to ruin your own confidence in them by immediately trading a string of losing trades. Therefore we recommend that you subscribe to a full-service forex signals provider straight away if you have not already done so, so that right from the outset you are trading alongside your own personal forex consultant.
Think of it like when you learnt to ride a bike - you used training wheels first didn't you ? Only when you had your balance and had learned to fully control the bike did you ride off on your own. Your trading should be no different. Don't expect to be a profitable expert trader after just 3 days or even a week in a classroom learning forex trading.
It's important not to think of signals as extra cost - quite the opposite, they're a way of keeping loss-making trades to a minimum and optimising your profits.
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