Masjid Pertama di Amerika yang Menyatukan Warga Kota Ross
Selasa, 05 Mei 2020
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Masjid Pertama di Amerika yang Menyatukan Warga Kota Ross,-RICHARD Omar (70) menepikan mobilnya di sebuah tanah lapang yang di atasnya terserak beberapa batu nisan granit. Teknisi listrik paruh baya ini lantas meletakkan sebuket bunga di pot besi di pinggir nisan.
"Ini makam orangtua saya," terang Omar dilansir dari New York Times, Senin (4/5/2020).
Kedua orangtuanya, menurut Omar, telah diakui oleh pemerintah Amerika Serikat (AS) dalam sejarah pembentukan multibangsa di Negeri Paman Sam tersebut. Tepatnya sekitar 120 tahun lalu mereka menjadi pendatang Muslim pertama yang mendirikan masjid tertua di AS.
Masjid dengan bangunan sederhana tersebut pertama kali dibangun oleh komunitas muslim asal Suriah dan Lebanon pada 1929. Setelah 76 tahun berdiri di tanah lapang dekat bukit, komunitas muslim dibantu oleh umat Kristiani Kota Ross, North Dakota menggalang dana untuk pemugarannya.

Pada 2005 berdirilah bangunan kotak dengan tiang-tiang setinggi sekira 8 meter menyangga kubah dari alumunium. Di dalamnya tergantung foto-foto pendiri masjid. Lantainya yang beralaskan karpet ditambahkan sebuah sajadah saja.
Meski besar bangunan terbilang lebih kecil daripada bangunan asli, posisi bangunan masjid pun masih sama, bersisian dengan jalan utama kota berpenduduk 200 orang tersebut.
Masjid tersebut kini jarang digunakan untuk sholat berjamaah. Hanya sesekali pengunjung dari luar kota menyempatkan sholat sembari menelusuri sejarah awal masuknya Islam di AS.
Atas usul warga kota setempat, masjid tanpa nama ini didaftarkan ke pusat artefak sejarah AS. Masjid ini dianggap pantas menyandang status sebagai cagar budaya karena mempunyai jejak perkembangan asimilasi antarbangsa.
Seperti yang ayah Omar lakukan, Abraham Omar (1933-2004) datang dari Lebanon pada 1920an sebagai petani dan pembuat alat-alat rumah tangga di area desa Bire, Bera Valley. Ia datang bersama sekira 8.500 orang yang menempati lahan seluas 1.900 mil persegi di sekitar Kota Ross sampai Mountrail County.
Generasi pertama keluarga Omar adalah Abdallah Ayash. Setelah ia bekerja di pabrik mobil Henry Ford dan pindah ke Kota Ross pada 1911, ia mengganti namanya menjadi Albert Omar agar terlihat lebih akrab di telinga penduduk asli.
"Bertahun-tahun lalu, imigran muslim membuka hidup barunya di sini dengan mengganti namanya," terang Omar. Komunitas muslim inilah yang ditengarai sebagai cikal bakal kelompok masyarakat muslim yang tersebar di Brooklyn; Dearborn, Michigan, dan Chicago.
erita Omar ini diamini oleh seorang traveller profesional Aman Ali (35). Imigran asal India yang tinggal di Ohio ini pernah melakukan safari masjid di seluruh AS sepanjang Ramadhan 2010. Ia bersama rekannya, sutradara Bassam Tariq pernah berkunjung ke masjid di Kota Ross.
Ia dipertemukan dengan Lila Thorlakson, salah satu anak dari keluarga Omar yang menjadi relawan pengurus masjid. Momen inilah yang mengubah pandangan serta hidupnya.
"Saya belajar banyak tentang komunitas muslim di AS pada 1800an. Dari sini saya menyadari mereka adalah bagian dari kehidupan saya," ujar Ali.
Ali melihat keberagaman dan toleransi di komunitas ini. Dalam catatan administrasi pemakaman setempat, Sarah Omar Shupe yang dimakamkan pada 2004 menjadi anggota terakhir dari komunitas muslim di sana yang membaca Alquran dan bisa berbahasa Arab.
Di sisi lain, tercatat pula pernikahan berbeda keyakinan, antara penganut Islam dan pemeluk Kristiani. Istri Omar sendiri yang berasal dari Skandinavia adalah pemeluk Kristen dan sekarang menjadi muslim. Begitu pula sebaliknya banyak keluarga perintis komunitas Muslim beralih ke Kristiani. Namun, semuanya bisa hidup berdampingan dan semuanya peduli untuk melestarikan masjid di Kota Ross.
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as the Affordable Care Act, PPACA, and Obamacare created health insurance marketplaces, or exchanges, that are set to open in 2014. These marketplaces are new, and as will all new things, there will be many questions asked. Here are some of the aspects that you will need to know in order to make a good decision about whether the exchanges are for you and your family.
What is a Health Insurance Marketplace?
A health insurance marketplace is an online website where individuals can compare plan designs and premiums from various medical insurance companies. Unlike today's individual insurance market, where a person has to go through an online broker or shop for plans on their own, the marketplaces will have all the plans on the computer screen in front of them. The plans will be easy to read and understand. Once the decision has been made as to which plan to enroll in, the actual enrollment can be done instantly from the marketplace's website.
Who Manages the Marketplaces?
The Affordable Care Act is a law passed by the United States government, but the responsibility of managing the health insurance marketplaces falls to each individual state. However, if a state does not want to open their own marketplace, they can defer to the Federal Marketplace.
What this means is that in order to enroll in a marketplace, an individual will need to go to his or her own state's exchange, which can be found here.
When Do the Marketplaces Open?
The first effective date of plans purchased on a health insurance marketplace will be January 1, 2014. However, Open Enrollment begins on October 1, 2013. On that day, individuals will be eligible to purchase a medical plan.
It is important to note that not all online exchanges will be ready to roll on October 1. In that case, people will need to enroll via telephone.
What Kinds of Plans are Available in the Marketplaces?
The exchanges will not have the same number of plans available as an individual insurance company offers outside of the exchange. However, there will be a good spread of plan benefits.
The marketplaces will offer 4 levels of plans. These plans will be called Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze. The Platinum plan will offer the richest benefits, followed by Gold, Silver, and then Bronze.
Individuals that want low premiums can choose the Bronze plan, but their out of pocket exposure will be higher than the other plans. If someone is willing to pay high premiums in exchange for low out of pocket risk, they can purchase the Platinum plan.
What Will be the Cost of the Plans?
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as the Affordable Care Act, PPACA, and Obamacare created health insurance marketplaces, or exchanges, that are set to open in 2014. These marketplaces are new, and as will all new things, there will be many questions asked. Here are some of the aspects that you will need to know in order to make a good decision about whether the exchanges are for you and your family.
What is a Health Insurance Marketplace?
A health insurance marketplace is an online website where individuals can compare plan designs and premiums from various medical insurance companies. Unlike today's individual insurance market, where a person has to go through an online broker or shop for plans on their own, the marketplaces will have all the plans on the computer screen in front of them. The plans will be easy to read and understand. Once the decision has been made as to which plan to enroll in, the actual enrollment can be done instantly from the marketplace's website.
Who Manages the Marketplaces?
The Affordable Care Act is a law passed by the United States government, but the responsibility of managing the health insurance marketplaces falls to each individual state. However, if a state does not want to open their own marketplace, they can defer to the Federal Marketplace.
What this means is that in order to enroll in a marketplace, an individual will need to go to his or her own state's exchange, which can be found here.
When Do the Marketplaces Open?
The first effective date of plans purchased on a health insurance marketplace will be January 1, 2014. However, Open Enrollment begins on October 1, 2013. On that day, individuals will be eligible to purchase a medical plan.
It is important to note that not all online exchanges will be ready to roll on October 1. In that case, people will need to enroll via telephone.
What Kinds of Plans are Available in the Marketplaces?
The exchanges will not have the same number of plans available as an individual insurance company offers outside of the exchange. However, there will be a good spread of plan benefits.
The marketplaces will offer 4 levels of plans. These plans will be called Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze. The Platinum plan will offer the richest benefits, followed by Gold, Silver, and then Bronze.
Individuals that want low premiums can choose the Bronze plan, but their out of pocket exposure will be higher than the other plans. If someone is willing to pay high premiums in exchange for low out of pocket risk, they can purchase the Platinum plan.
Open enrollment started for the healthcare law for individual and family policies on October 1st, with a start date of January 1st, 2014. There are a lot of misconceptions out there and people will end up wasting time looking for something that is not true. Tens of thousands of people only pick up their information from the media or their dear friends. Sometimes this can leave you with unanswered questions. This can really cost you some money.
Many Americans are trying to get a glimpse look at an Obamacare plan to see what all the hype is about. Through all of their fruitless searches, they end up empty-handed.
Obamacare is the nickname for the actual Healthcare Law signed in March of 2010. Some people are offended when people use this term because it was smeared by some opposing parties. However, the President himself actually endorsed the term. With his endorsement, it no longer a negative impression to the naked eye.
Obamacare created the infrastructure to change the way health insurance policies are bought and sold in the marketplace. That's it! They built a big shopping plaza similar to®. This is called the Health Insurance Marketplace, formally the health insurance exchange. The theory behind it is the health insurance companies can compete for pricing inside one Marketplace, or shopping plaza. At the time of this writing, health insurance companies are not required to participate inside the Marketplace. Without the requirement to participate, it will lack the original idea of the health insurance companies competing for the business in one place.
This is because an insurance company can choose NOT to participate inside the Marketplace and sell plans outside of it. This will be no different from all of us purchased plans in the past, except the plans must include all healthcare reform mandates.
This infrastructure created a series of health plan models to simplify the process for consumers picking plans and clearly seeing what is covered. It was very confusing in the past. Now it is just a little confusing. We still have mud on our windshield.
The idea behind this is when a consumer is reviewing a health plan with one carrier against another, they can see they are VERY similar in coverage. Each carrier has their own personality to things such as the amount of co-pay, co-insurance and out-of-pocket expenses on a health plan. This will, in theory, make it easier for consumers to shop health plans.
The playing field has definitely changed forever as we know it. Any time there is change, it creates short-term turmoil in the marketplace with the consumer. Obamacare is a prime example of this.
The Health Insurance Marketplace is the only place where an individual or family can receive a tax credit for purchasing a health insurance plan. There are certain things that are required for you to qualify for a health insurance tax credit with the new law.
Just briefly, it will depend on what is indicated on your tax return. This will include your income, family status, and age. There may be other requirements that can change your eligibility status. The purpose of is to determine your eligibility status. You will still be applying for coverage with the carrier that you choose, not the government website.
It is not required to purchase a health insurance plan inside the Marketplace. It is a HUGE misconception about making a move with the new health plans. If someone, or a family, does not qualify for any tax credit, there is absolutely no reason to purchase a plan inside the Health Insurance Marketplace.
Outside the Marketplace will have a few more options to choose from, along with the same, exact, health plans inside the Marketplace. The same plans inside and outside of the Marketplace will have the same premium. There is no difference in coverage or cost.
The health insurance carrier is the same, inside and outside the Marketplace. The plans and the price are the same (When comparing the same ones) inside and outside the Marketplace. When you purchase a plan, you will be paying the health insurance company, not the Federal government.
Obamacare is just the law of the land. That is it. There is no health plan sold through the Federal or State government. You are still purchasing a plan from a Major health insurance carrier that is authorized to sell a policy in your state. Obamacare just wrote the rules on what would be required by insurance companies in order to sell a health insurance plan in the future and how an individual or family will purchase that plan to protect everything they have worked so hard for.
What Will be the Cost of the Plans?
This is the question that everyone wants to know the answer to. The cost of the plans will of course vary by plan value, but will also vary by state. Insurance companies will be the ones providing the plans, and they will use their underwriting guidelines to develop premiums. The hope is that competition between the companies will keep the cost down.
Is Help Available to Pay for the Premiums?
Some people will be able to receive tax credits to help offset the cost of a plan purchased on the exchange. If an individual makes less than 400% of the poverty level and is not eligible for Medicaid, they can receive premium assistance. The health insurance marketplaces will be able to determine this assistance during the enrollment session.
Marketplaces can Ease the Burden of Purchasing Health Insurance
The health insurance marketplaces were designed to help people find affordable and comprehensive coverage for their healthcare needs. Inevitably, some tweaks will need to be made, but all-in-all, the exchanges will be a great place to find good insurance.
This is the question that everyone wants to know the answer to. The cost of the plans will of course vary by plan value, but will also vary by state. Insurance companies will be the ones providing the plans, and they will use their underwriting guidelines to develop premiums. The hope is that competition between the companies will keep the cost down.
Is Help Available to Pay for the Premiums?
Some people will be able to receive tax credits to help offset the cost of a plan purchased on the exchange. If an individual makes less than 400% of the poverty level and is not eligible for Medicaid, they can receive premium assistance. The health insurance marketplaces will be able to determine this assistance during the enrollment session.
Marketplaces can Ease the Burden of Purchasing Health Insurance
The health insurance marketplaces were designed to help people find affordable and comprehensive coverage for their healthcare needs. Inevitably, some tweaks will need to be made, but all-in-all, the exchanges will be a great place to find good insurance.
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